Dongola First Baptist Church

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Dongola First Baptist Church

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203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

January 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States
Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Business Meeting

All members of the church are encouraged to attend the monthly business meeting.

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February 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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March 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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April 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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May 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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June 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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July 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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August 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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September 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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October 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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November 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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December 2025

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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January 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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February 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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March 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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April 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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May 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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June 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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July 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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August 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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September 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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October 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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November 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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December 2026

Dongola First Baptist Church, 203 E Cross Street
Dongola, IL 62926 United States

Community Food Pantry

Please call the church office on the Monday before so that your name can be added to the list. If no one answers leave a message with your name, phone number and how many are in your household. Households may only receive food once a month.

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