Apr 2018

D.I.G. Family Day is tomorrow April 8th starting at 10:00 am. (Kids arrive at 9:45). DIG kids will present the morning worship, receive awards and a video will be shown of what they’ve been up to this year. Immediately following service there will be a pizza party for the whole family and pine car Grand Prix races. If your child has attended DIG please come and join the fun!...
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Mar 2017

Overview of the past 2 Sunday night end-time studies. Sorry for the lateness of this. Would also like to thank everyone for their prayers during the last week with the loss of my Grandmother Julia Peeler. She was an amazing woman. I just wish my prayer life resembled what hers was. I also want to thank everyone for your support and prayers for this class. Over the last couple of weeks we have traveled from Chapter 7 of Revelation to Chapter 9. Chapter 7 starts out with 4 Angels that have been......
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Feb 2017

SUNDAY 1/15/17 6 PM OVERVIEW OF PROPHECY CLASS FOUND IN MATTHEW 24/LUKE 21/MARK 13 We started this study with an overview starting with the Words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in what has been referred to as the Olivet Discourse. Jesus was talking to His Disciples and they asked three questions and each referred to a different point in the future. Jesus was saying as He pointed at the Temple that not one of those stones would remain on top of each other. The 3 questions that they asked were......
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Feb 2017

Sunday 1/22/17 6 pm Revelation study highlights. We had 47 people attend this study from several different churches around southern IL. My heart was filled with joy at the attendance and participation. We began our study of Revelation starting with chapter 1 and continuing through chapter 3. Remember this is just an overview of what was discussed. I do not have the time or room to list everything in detail. If you would like to know more or dig in deeper make an effort to come each Sunday night at 6pm Revelation......
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Feb 2017

REVELATION/END TIME STUDY 1/29/17 REVIEW Sunday we first reviewed the first 3 Chapters of Revelation where Jesus introduces Himself and addresses directs John to write to the 7 Churches. (see previous post for information on that) Starting with chapter 4 a big change happens. John sees an open door into heaven and hears a sound like a trumpet and a voice that says Come up here and is told that He would show him the things that would take place after these things(or after the Church ). The Bible says John was......
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Feb 2017

Sunday night we started off with prayer and a review where we left off 2 weeks before. It was good to get back to the study and I just wanted to say thanks to all those that attended. Remember anyone and everyone is welcome to come and take apart of this study. we have people from several different churches that don’t have evening services attending. Just wanted to thank you to Dongola First for allowing this to be taught at their location. Sunday night found us first talking about the 7 Feast......
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Jul 2016

Sunday. July 24th we will be celebrating 150 years! Thousands of people have come through the doors of this church and we hope that many will make their way back for this time of celebrating 150 years of worshiping God together....
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Jul 2014

Agency D3 youth VBS was a huge success!! Thanks for all who helped and for the youth for being such a fun group. Until the next adventure…. ...
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